

Various ministries of our church.



Mission to Japan

We pray for, support, and work with missionaries to Japan.


We are part of the gospel ministries of the following missionaries:

Mission to Toronto

Our vision is to bring the gospel of Christ to Japanese people in Toronto and see their lives transformed.

We work together with Kodomoen Japanese Daycare Centre and Knox Presbyterian Church and have monthly Bible study gatherings to reach out to young Japanese mothers.

GTJ Kids

GTJ Kids is our our Sunday School program for children up to Grade 5.

GTJ Kids has two goals:

  • To teach our kids the consistent flow of the entire Scripture from Genesis to Revelation (i.e., to teach them the big story of the Bible).
  • To support young parents (especially mothers)

GTJ Youth

GTJ Youth is our our youth group program for children Grade 6 to 12.

GTJ Youth meets on every 2nd and 3rd Sunday of the month in the gym from 2:30 to 4:00 pm.



GTJユースは、毎月第2・第3日曜日の午後2:30〜4:00 にジムで集まります。

Men's Group

Men’s Group / Every 2nd Sunday of the Month (2:30-4:00 pm)

This is a ministry occasion for our men to grow in their faith and spiritual maturity by sharing life updates and praying for and with one another.


男性グループ / 毎月第2日曜日(午後2:30〜4:00)

これは、男性たちが信仰を深め、霊的に成長するためのミニストリーの機会 です。お互いの近況を分かち合い、共に祈り合う時間を大切にしています。

Women's Group

Women’s Group / Every 3rd Sunday of the Month (2:30-4:00 pm)

Women at Grace Toronto Japanese Church gather to grow in faith, learn about biblical womanhood, and enrich their spiritual journey with God by singing songs, praying together, and studying the Scripture for the glory of God.


女性グループ / 毎月第3日曜日(午後2:30〜4:00)
