Welcome to

Grace Toronto Japanese Church






We are a Japanese church plant of the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) in Toronto. We worship God and seek to reach Japanese-speaking people with the gospel of Christ!

Exterior of a church building with trees and a pathway leading to the entrance.

“Welcome to our beautiful Japanese community of worship and prayer!”

Circular logo of Grace Toronto Japanese Church featuring a dove holding cherry blossoms, with the text in English and Japanese.

John J. H. Lee (Lead Pastor)

Sunday Worship Service

Close-up of an open Bible with a black ribbon bookmark and a blurred natural background.

Sunday Worship Service

Time: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Enjoy tea, snacks, and a warm fellowship with brothers and sisters after service in the Larkman Room!

Holy Communion

The Holy Communion (The Eucharist, or The Lord’s Supper) is a sacrament in which bread and wine are given and received as Christ directed to proclaim his death. Those who receive the Lord’s Supper in the right way share in his body and blood with all his benefits, not physically but by faith, and become spiritually stronger and grow in grace (Westminster Shorter Catechism 96). The Lord’s Supper is an ordinance established by Christ himself. It is a sign and seal of the covenant of grace–This is a sign and symbol of our union with Christ and confirmation of our participation in his life, death, and resurrection. Grace Toronto Japanese Church celebrates the Holy Communion on every second Sunday of the month (administered by Pastor Lee or Pastor Murai).

GTJ Kids

GTJ Kids is our Sunday School program for children up to Grade 5.

GTJ Kids has two goals: - To teach our kids the consistent flow of the entire Scripture from Genesis to Revelation (i.e., to teach them the big story of the Bible). - To support young parents (especially mothers)

Prayer Request

Grace Toronto Japanese Church is a praying and caring community. If you are in need of prayer, please click the link below and submit your prayer request.